Let’s Try This Again

Whenever I think about coming back I think of this xkcd comic: The Least Interesting Man Woman In the World

But, alas, I’m not going to close up shop here; it’s just that some unbloggable things have been going on around here.

I’ve been dealing with the usual graduate student frustrations. My protein keeps degrading on me before I can run any experiments on it. The project I was counting on to work out is not working out. (Well, the data is what it is. It’s more of a matter of getting something that will help me out on the post-doc/job market, which is one factor in my ability to graduate.)

I’ve also been having the usual problems for me. Another bout of melancholy– not full-blown depression, but definite melancholy. So, working around that has been a trip. I’ve been employing the usual coping skills and those seem to be working. And Advisor hasn’t said anything to me about being unproductive (and he would); so, I think that I’m doing ok with that respect.

However, I don’t want to give anyone the impression that it’s all doom-and-gloom around casa de Lady Scientist. Our holidays were rather lovely. I took an entire 10 days off and didn’t read a single article over that time. I also met my brother’s Lovely New Girlfriend. She is a lot of fun and she makes my brother happy. Also, BIL-3 is getting married this summer to a wonderful girl. Also there are two and a half weddings going on in our lab (the half is from someone who is in our collaborator’s lab). And that’s a lot of fun. I’m finding that it’s much more fun to be outside-looking-in as far as wedding planning is concerned!

The Dixie Dog is doing well. She’s enjoying the backyard a lot. And sleeping on the couch. Ok, right now, she’s more interested in sleeping on the couch. Dr. Man is done with call (for the most part) and I’m liking having him around more. He’s on a pretty good rotation right now. It’s good hours and he’s learning a lot.

Well, I think that’s about it. Let’s see if I can post more than once every two months.

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11 Responses to Let’s Try This Again

  1. EcoGeoFemme says:

    Sounds like things are plodding along. Sorry work isn't going better, but awesome that Dr Man is home more.

    My philosophy about blogging is that there's no point to doing it if it's not fun, and there's no need to feel guilty or apologize for infrequent posts. But do remember that is highly unlikely than you're any more boring than the rest of us. Except maybe for Cath, who I'm convinced leads a far more eventful life than most of us. 🙂

  2. chall says:

    happy to see a post but more meaning that you are ok.

    happy to hear you're doing better though. It's tough sometimes but just hang in there and all will be better I'm sure.

    …and boring. huh, fear not – we are all boring at times, I bet you aren't that much more boring than anyone else 😉

  3. Good to hear you're still alive and (mostly) well. Was beginning to think we might need to send a virtual search part out 😛

    But seriously, what Eco said.

    Also, I totally understand the melancholy bit. The end of the year with stalled research and the gloomy weather was tough for me. The data will come together.

  4. Brigindo says:

    Always good to see you posting but really do it when it works for you. We'll be here regardless.

  5. I guessvtiy and I have fallen off the edge of the world together:))). Sounds like things are plodding along, so glad the musters calls are done. I always find life easier when the OH is around. I'm sorry about the sad bout. I don't really what to say other than to repeat how much I admire you for being open about it. You're honesty gives strength to others that are suffering from depression (or degrees of it). Always here ro root for you

  6. Huh? Who what, me? I'm really quite boring, I only blog the selected highlights! (Although being done with grad school years ago might increase the number of highlights slightly!)

  7. Yay for having Dr. Man around with greater frequency and yay for all the happy news in the family and the lab!

    As for the depression/melancholy, props to you for managing and staying productive. That takes effort (been there, was not so successful). Thinking of you!

  8. EcoGeoFemme says:

    Cath, if your blog is just selected highlights, then your life is more interesting than mine, because I blog all of my highlights. 🙂

  9. Jennie says:

    I'm curious if you care to share some of your coping mechanism. If you are worried about being boring (which your blog is not), those would be some great posts to read.

  10. p.s. Amanda, I got distracted from my original comment by Eco's – sorry! You are totally not boring, and the number of comments on this thread is a good indicator of that! And never feel like you have to blog, or apologise for not blogging – we all use RSS, right?!

    It's definitely easier to come up with good blog fodder when you're not anonymous any more, BTW. Not that that is the right choice for everyone, but it definitely opened up more possibilities for me.

  11. EGF: I don't know. You seem to have a pretty exciting life what with the defense and all. 🙂

    Chall: Thanks. I've actually missed this.

    Biochem Belle: It's definitely coming together now. I've just got to enjoy it while it lasts.

    Brigindo: Thank you.

    SM: Thanks. I don't really talk about my depression/symptoms outside of here, though. It helps to blog though and have you all rooting for me. 🙂

    CT: It's taken me a long time to get there. Maybe I'll take Jennie's suggestion and blog about it.

    Jennie: I think I will. They're not all that innovative, but it also would probably help me think of new ways to cope.

    Cath: I'm already pretty much out (at least I think so), but I've been toying with the idea about being much more open. But the idea of telling Advisor is daunting. So, we'll have to see.

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