Starting Again?

@Doctor_PMS inspired me to start blogging again. In a recent post, she lamented how people have stopped blogging—in favor of tweeting.

I’m horribly guilty of this. I’m active (more or less) on twitter, but I haven’t blogged in almost two years. Earlier this year, I switched my blog from blogger to WordPress. Yet, I haven’t written a new entry.

I’ve started blog posts in my head, but they haven’t gone anywhere. Part of my difficulty in writing comes from the change in direction of my career. When I started writing my blog (lo, those many years ago), I was a third year graduate student. My plan was to graduate, do a postdoc, and get a TT faculty position. That’s not what happened. Along the way, I decided to change directions.

So, now that I’m firmly no longer in the lab, did I still want to continue blogging under this name? Would I be discouraging others from science? What is my identity now? All those questions stopped me from blogging.

I can’t promise that I’ll continue blogging—or that this is a resurrection of my blog. However, I’ve got some thoughts and I’ve got this bit of space. So, for a while at least, I’ll see about writing it out.

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