First, Next, Last

First: The Dixie Dog is all better. I didn’t want to say so before now (didn’t want to jinx it), but it’s been confirmed. No more symptoms and her white blood cell count is back down. I’m much relieved.

Next: Thank you all for the birthday wishes. They made me smile after having a pretty crappy day and feel less guilty for having a bad day. (The common question asked after a birthday “Did you have a good one?” is hard to answer when you didn’t. I just fudged the truth.)

Last: Now, I have some sort of cold-type-thing. I’m using it as an excuse to take two whole days (the weekend) off from lab. In the end, I think the time off will be worth, especially if I feel better tomorrow.

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4 Responses to First, Next, Last

  1. Amelie says:

    I'm glad to hear that the Dixie Dog is better. Hope your cold improves soon, too. And really, I think that taking the weekend off work shouldn't require an excuse.

  2. Aunt Becky says:

    Sometimes I don't know how to answer it when people ask me how my birthday was. I find that changing the subject is often preferable to lying outright. But a simple nod always works. Then people assume it's just that you hate getting older.

    Also, so glad that Dixie Doggie is better. So, so glad.

  3. Brigindo says:

    Yay for Dixie Dog!

  4. Glad to hear about Dixie Dog!

    I have what I'm calling a swine sniffle too. I'm not sick enough to stay home, not well enough to want to be at work…

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