I’m holding my brain hostage

This is how I always feel around Christmas. Unfortunately, no one uses twitter.

I’m not a big Christmas person. I might even venture to say that it’s one of my least favorite holidays. There’s an inordinate amount of pressure surrounding the day. This includes, but is not limited to: presents to buy (which is not a small task with our combine families), cards to send* (and I’m not done with them yet), and lots of travel (which is a pain). I don’t mind the actual day, though, so there’s something.

Unfortunately, this year I’m not getting much of a break. Between Dr. Man’s call schedule and my desire to get data (finally something is working!), I’m only taking a few days off around Christmas and then it’s back to the grind. That is if I can keep my brain in check. My brain seems to like wandering around and finding other things to do (Oh! Sparkly Vampires!) that are nowhere near intellectually stimulating. Today I’m working on a strict system of rewards and punishments. If my brain cooperates, I get to blog. If it insists on wandering around, unsupervised, it doesn’t get homemade chocolate chip cookies. As you can see, it’s working.

*If you’d like a holiday card (as in a Christmas card that will reach you after Christmas), send me an email (see the side bar) with your address and I’ll send you one!

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2 Responses to I’m holding my brain hostage

  1. I’ve decided that I only send cards out every other year. We don’t change much in a year (or two), and it takes the pressure off. Besides, when I do send them out, it’s just those picture kind that people send of their kids except it’s of us. I send written cards at less busy times of the year (like Valentine’s).

    Good luck getting all your stuff done, though (and yay for data!).

  2. mudphudder says:

    LOL…love that cartoon. I use Twitter (though, I admit I just discovered it). It’s addicting, I have to say. I couldn’t help but notice that you’re starting to get some data…what better Christmas gift than that?? (Well, other than graduating). May good data be plentiful in the New Year as well! Nice blog (it’s my first time here); you’re welcome at mine as well:
    http://www.mudphudder.com/ I just finished my Ph.D. in immunology (with many data droughts), so I feel your pain.

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