No internets!

I moved this past weekend and was without internet for the past 48 hours. I didn’t check email or blog posts. So, one of the first things I did after getting into work today was to check my email. I felt like an addict getting a fix. Finally! Internet! I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I checked my iGoogle page, my gmail, the New York Times website, and was able to google some song lyrics that have been driving me crazy.

The house is great. I’ll try to take and post some pictures later this week. I’m almost all moved in. There are a few odds and ends that I need to get from my old apartment. Then the unpacking fun begins. I don’t think it’ll be too bad, though. I’m pretty good at dividing up large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. I can just take it one box at a time.

Oh! And how the Dixie Dog loves her new yard! She loves going outside to run. Just watching her tear around the back yard yesterday made me very happy. She finally has a yard! Plus, it was really nice this morning to be able to sit outside on the back porch with a cup of coffee and watch her run around.

So far I’ve only done so-so on my No Eating Out challenge. I had dinner out last night with Dr. Man and co. But I’m trying really hard not to go out to eat tonight, but it’s my friend’s birthday. So, I want to go, but I know I shouldn’t. Le sigh.

But house! And yard! And garage! The new challenge is to keep the house from getting too cluttered and curbing my wants.

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11 Responses to No internets!

  1. good luck on the clutter and wanting, I’m still working on that

  2. Jennie says:

    Great news about your house. I’m so excited for you.
    We sure picked a hard challenge. I mentioned to friends that my husband and I had plans this week for dinner with friends but that saturday is our anniversary and going out to eat would break the challenge. They all encouraged me to go out twice this week.
    I figure even if we fail, hopefully this will at least make us more conscious of how often we do eat out.
    Don’t beat yourself up about it when you have so much going on!

  3. CAE says:

    Awesome! Especially the happy dog!

    Now. Very important question. Does the new house have a kettle?

  4. Amanda says:

    Scientist Mother: Thanks. I’m just hoping that we don’t expand our stuff to fill all our new space.

    Jennie: I say go out to dinner with your husband, too. This is a hard challenge. But you’re right this may just make us more conscious. I forwent Starbucks this morning because of our challenge, so it’s progress!

    CAE: Yes, yes it does. And you’d be proud of me. Today I made hot water (using the coffee maker) and poured it over my chai. šŸ™‚

  5. Brigindo says:

    Yay moving in and yay for Dixie Dog having a yard. We have a decent sized yard in our rental down here but up north Pupzilla had 3 acres in which to run around. It was a big adjustment for us all.

  6. Yay for a new house and a yard for the dog!

    You could always eat before you go out so you don’t HAVE to eat out, and that way you’ll feel less guilty if you have celebratory birthday drink with your friend.

  7. ScienceGirl says:

    House, yard, and garage! Yay! Sounds like you all are going to enjoy it!

  8. Beth A. says:

    Congratulations on the new house! We moved last year from a house that had a postage-stamp sized yard to one with an actual yard and it’s amazing how much more pleasant it is to have someplace for our toddler to run and play (toddlers are very similar to dogs in that respect).

  9. Amanda says:

    Brigindo: Wow, that does sound like quite an adjustment! At least you still have a yard, though. šŸ™‚

    Psych Post Doc: That’s what I ended up doing. That way I got to wish my friend a Happy Birthday without breaking the June Challenge (too much at least).

    Science Girl: It’s nice… we’re already enjoying it šŸ™‚

    Beth A.: My parents always told me that kids and dogs are really similar…

  10. Mad Hatter says:

    Watching our dog chase everything that moved (squirrels and rabbits and birds, oh my!) in our yard was one of the best parts of moving from apartments to our house!

    I’m just hoping that we don’t expand our stuff to fill all our new space.

    Um…we said that too when we first moved in. Hope you’ll do better at that than we did! šŸ™‚

  11. happy house!!!! So glad you are enjoying it (and the dog too!)

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