In which I apologize for my hot molten crazy

So, I’m rather embarrassed. I was going to delete that post from yesterday once I got home. But there was no internet (still!) and, well (obviously) that didn’t happen. That will teach me to post when I’m overly upset about something in lab. (I mean, it’s not the end of the world and it’s not as if it’s life or death… there are plenty of other– better– things to be upset about).

Anyhow, I want to thank everyone for being so nice about my ranting. And raving. So, if you’re ever looking for a definition as to hot, molten crazy, see the last post.

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17 Responses to In which I apologize for my hot molten crazy

  1. CAE says:

    Hey, that’s what the internet’s for, right?!

  2. Duck says:

    stopping by from nclm,, glad your getting the support you need.

  3. my gosh don’t apologize for being yourself. Science can be ass and its OK to be upset by it, especially if you’re able to put it in perspective so quickly. I think it great that you let us know how its going. Especially because when we’re in the same boat and feel like it doesn’t happen to anyone else, we can see we’re not alone.

  4. EcoGeoFemme says:

    Don’t be silly! That’s what blogs are for. And think of the support and praise you’ll get from us when you get everything to work — we’ll know what an achievement it was because we’ll know how difficult it was. 🙂

  5. Emily says:

    I know I am just paraphrasing what everyone else has already said but your post yesterday made me feel normal 🙂

    Science is bullshit and we don’t always know why we love it but we just do. When things are really bad, it makes the good stuff even better. Go home and throw the ball for your dog….and smile. Do it now. Are you smiling yet? 🙂

  6. acmegirl says:

    Think nothing of it. Everyone is entitled to a moment of crazy from time to time!

  7. Amanda, please don’t apologize. I’m glad you shared, plus I agree with everyone – that’s what the internet is for.

  8. Eh, I think blogs are often the ideal outlet for hot, molten crazy.

    Erupt away.

  9. Pepper says:

    Blogs are for venting! You vent here so you don’t do worse IRL. Besides, I’ve seen (and done) MUCH, much worse. 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope those research glitches are not as problematic as they seem.

  10. ScienceGirl says:

    It wasn’t that molten 🙂 Glad you are moving on!

  11. If THAT is hot, molten crazy than you are WAY more rationale than I. Glad things are better today.

  12. Aunt Becky says:


    Oh sister, you haven’t seen ME go off the rails on a crazy train yet.

  13. Amanda says:

    Thanks everyone for being so understanding. At times I think that I’m the only one who gets so frustrated and upset when their research goes poorly.

    Things are going much better now in the lab. Today I’m starting to get results. So, you all are right 🙂

  14. DC says:

    Hot molten crazy. I’m gonna’ have to use that one! 😉

  15. Amanda says:

    DC: Hot molten crazy is one of my favorite sayings… and it’s such an accurate description!

  16. andrea says:

    what’s the internet for but support?!! and when i was in undergrad – i worked with ecoli too and hated!

    also – can’t wait for this usmle business to be over!!thanks for the support there 🙂

  17. Psycgirl says:

    I will faithfully read your rants! We ranters must put karma back in the blogosphere 🙂

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