Dropping a line

We moved Dr. Man home yesterday!! I’m so happy to have him home. That happiness is tempered a bit by feeling like I just got ran over by a truck. Between the two of us we moved most of the furniture and boxes (and let me tell you books are heavy). Also, I acquired some sort of head cold. All of which I’m nuking by alternating pseudoephedrine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and diphenhydramine (the latter at night only). So, I’m at work trying to focus on experiments and I keep getting distracted by random things (oh it’s dark outside. I think it’s going to rain. Rain is good. Sleeping is nice, too. Right. Back to the E. coli. Must focus… oh what’s going on in the other room?).

Anyhow, I’m alive and reunited with Dr. Man and behind on NaComLeavMo.

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14 Responses to Dropping a line

  1. congrats on having dr.man with you, it must be great! sorry about the cold, but I too am way way behind on NLCM

  2. Deb says:

    sorry your feelin puny. for me the distraction by random things always starts with “i’m hungry”. heh.
    you and dr. man got some catchin up to do i’m sure – so get to feelin better.

  3. Jennie says:

    How nice to be living with Dr. Man again!! in a house you bought!

  4. Brigindo says:

    Welcome Dr. Man! That is very awesome. Hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy it.

  5. ScienceGirl says:

    I hope your cold goes away and you can just sit still this weekend and enjoy finally having your husband home.

  6. Yay! I’m glad he’s back!! Hope you’re starting to feel better.

  7. Dr Man with you, great!! We did the long distance relationhsip thing for two years and it definitely makes you appreciate being together.

  8. science cog says:

    Congratulations on buying a house and reuniting with Dr. Man. This is a special time for you. Hope you make a lot of good memories.

  9. DancingFish says:

    Yay!!! Hope you feel better soon!

  10. Yeah for Dr. Man’s return! Boo for the cold, but I hope the drugs help (and don’t make you too sleepy).

  11. Mad Hatter says:

    Congrats on finishing the big move! Sorry about the cold, but at least Dr. Man’s here to make you feel better, right? 🙂

  12. Amanda says:

    Thanks everyone for the congrats! It is nice to have Dr. Man around again 🙂

  13. Amelie says:

    Yay for Dr. Man being back with you!
    Hope the cold vanishes quickly.

  14. Yay for having Dr. Man back, sorry about the cold. Hope your recovery is quick.

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