Blogging May Be Light

I’m busily working away on my poster for Major European Conference. However, it’s only going so-so. I spent six months getting everything ready for the poster. Only to realize that I had screwed it up. So, re-doing everything in a fraction of that time was a possibly bit impossible overly-ambitious. I’m still doing everything I can, but I’m (trying to) not stress about it too much. I can’t control everything. I can only give it my best effort and hope for the best. I can’t help, but think that this makes me a bad scientist/grad student.

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7 Responses to Blogging May Be Light

  1. DancingFish says:

    Something like that happens to everybody and it is not at all a reflection of you. Hopefully all the focus on getting it done now is keeping those other thoughts to a minimum.
    good luck!

  2. Good luck fixing things up. Hope it goes quickly.

  3. Making mistakes has nothing to do with being a good scientist/grad student or not, it is what makes you human. Your ability to recognize, accept and make the necessary improvements is what makes you a good scientist / grad student and more importantly, a good mentor.

  4. Deb says:

    not a very smart girl here, but i thought that a BIG part of science was in the making mistakes and learning from them (as is also the case in life). practice what you preach – “If you only had to do it once it would just be called ‘search'”.
    do everything you can , within your control, to get it done. stop being so hard on yourself 😉

  5. Aunt Becky says:

    Good luck, dude!

  6. Amanda says:

    Thanks everyone. It’s moving along (I think).

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