RBOC: The Lack of Time Edition

I miss this space. I have a bunch of half written posts that are nice and fun and good. Yet they’re only half written. And I seem to be missing the time it would take to complete those posts. Instead, I bring you a post that doesn’t require any editing: RBOC.

  • I am currently scheduling a visit to interview for potential postdoc. It looks like it will be at the end of June. There are so many caveats in place with this job that I hesitate to blog about it. However, it does look like it’d be awesome.
  • There is, of course, the obligatory unbloggable that’s going on right now. It’s a different unbloggable from before and it’s a much nicer one. Still, it’s nothing that I can blog about.
  • Dr. Man and I are going to visit his family soon. I was much more excited about this before I found out there was trouble with one of his siblings… again.
  • I am not graduating this summer.
  • I have been told that I will be done one way or another in the fall.
  • That’s because we are out of money and Advisor is limping me through until the end.
  • I’m terrified that I won’t finish.
  • I’m terrified that I will finish.
  • For the past 6 days I have been “running” in the mornings. I use the quotes because I’m not in good enough shape to run without stopping for an entire 30 mins. Yes, this is what graduate school has done to me. So, I alternate running for 2 mins with walking for 3 mins until I reach 30 mins.
  • The Dixie Dog is doing well and is enjoying this “running” thing, too.
  • The Dixie Dog probably could run for 30 mins without stopping.
  • But she’s gets easily distracted by any combination of the following: sniffing the grass, staring at squirrels, barking at cats, peeing, pooping.
  • Dr. Man’s program is annoying me. A. Lot. But at least they’ve resolved the major issue.
  • This summer is looking to be very busy. I have: a committee meeting, a bridal shower to host (for Former Roommate), a bachelorette party to host (for F.R.), bachelorette party to attend for BIL-3’s fiancee, BIL-3’s wedding, then a week later F.R.’s wedding.
  • We got new appliances for our kitchen. This is a change because now not only do all of our appliances match (they’re black!); they all work properly.
  • This is a much longer list than I thought it would be. It appears that things have been happening in my life.
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8 Responses to RBOC: The Lack of Time Edition

  1. Good luck with the interview! (And everything else, obviously).

    I started running completely from scratch using the interval method – gradually upping the length of the running intervals (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes, over several months) while keeping the walk interval at 1 minute. It works great! Even my crazy Ironman triathlon & marathon doing friend (Mermaid) doesn't run longer than 10 minutes at a time in races! My running is on hold until after the epic sponsored bike ride I'm doing in June, so I'll probably be back down to 4 or 5 minute running intervals max when/if I get back into it.

  2. Brigindo says:

    Glad to see you posting again. Sounds like some exciting things are happening. Good luck with the interview and just keep running.

  3. chall says:

    ah… don't forget to breathe…and try and be happy. It will all be alright, and I would think you'll graduate. And a new chapter opens after that.

    I couldn't run too much either, but I try 😉

    Good luck with the interview!!

  4. Amelie says:

    Good luck with the interview!
    I'm trying to take up exercising again, but it's hard, and every break (colds, deadlines at work, etc.) makes it even harder…

  5. Good to hear from you beyond the short updates on Twitter 🙂

    You are not alone-on multiple points! I have noticed that several fellow science bloggers-myself included-have been posting with reduced frequency. For some reason, this spring seems to be especially hectic. And what grad school has done to you (re: exercise) my postdoc has done to me; you're doing far more than I have in the past months, so keep it up. Yay for Dixie and new appliances. Good luck with the interview and the busy summer schedule!!

  6. ScienceGirl says:

    Good luck on the interview!!!

    I hear you on being afraid to not graduate while being afraid to graduate… Soon, you will be past this crazy in-between state!

    W00t on starting to run! I am starting up again too, and it is painful, but I know it will get better as we go!

  7. Good luck (as everyone else has said). And damn, wedding season is upon us again??? (Yeah, me too. First one is in a month and a half.)

    Run-walking is great for building up stamina. I'm bad at making myself keep going, so I do it indoors on an elliptical (interval resistance training) while watching TV. Anything to make ourselves move, eh?

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