Indicative of my day

I just caused a grease fire in my kitchen (oops). No casualties (except perhaps the pan). And I remembered not to use water (luckily I was able to quickly find the lid). This is why I don’t cook.

Some days I just should stay in bed.

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4 Responses to Indicative of my day

  1. ScienceGirl says:

    Yikes! Hope there is no grease fires tomorrow!

  2. Amelie says:

    ouch! Hope the rest of your day is better!

  3. Aunt Becky says:

    This has been my week so far. And it's only freaking Wednesday. Shit.

  4. Science Girl: So far, so good. I even made dinner again tonight– with no uncontrolled flames.

    Amelie: Well, I think that was the low point. šŸ™‚

    Aunt Becky: This was the low point, the problem is that the high points were about the same level. It really needs to be the weekend already.

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