Checking in

I know, I know. I never write, I never call, I’ve dropped off the face of the planet. I’m still here. I haven’t blogged because I’m trying to be more positive about grad school (and life in general). But lately I’ve been grumpy. Over everything. And no one wants to hear me grump.

So, let’s see if I can be positive in this blog post. Well, research is going, well, like it always goes: in fits and starts. Project: Pretty Colors is going swimmingly. It seems that most any time I try something, it works (more or less). It’s really pleasing to try something and get a useful result. Project: Damned Yeast is going, well, deserving of its name. Things that were working have just stopped. I am positive, though, that it’ll start working again… eventually.

What else? Umm… I’m going to the ‘City of Brotherly Love’ this upcoming weekend for a wedding. It should be fun. And I’m taking a three day weekend for it. So, definitely no lab work next weekend.

Also-also, I’m going to take a nap later. That’s very positive!

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4 Responses to Checking in

  1. Brigindo says:

    The blogosphere has missed you and I always enjoy your posts…even when you're grumpy. A three-day weekend in a different location sounds lovely. Enjoy the wedding and the time away from the lab.

  2. I have no problem reading your grumps :). That's what the blogosphere is for, isn't it??? πŸ™‚

  3. We always referred to makes-a-nice-photo projects as "Bright Lights, Pretty Colors." I hope yours is bright as well as pretty!

  4. Brigindo: Thanks. I think it'll be a lot of fun. Dr. Man's family always has a good time together and they know how to put on an awesome shindig.

    PhizzleDizzle: True, but then I think that other people have it much worse than I do. And feel like I shouldn't just grump at people. I think I'm going to cave, though. The blog is wonderful for venting. πŸ™‚

    Jenny F. Scientist, PhD: First, I have to say that I love the name change πŸ™‚ And, knock on wood, the data has been lovely so far!

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