Gah! Sick!

How in the world is it that I get sick out of nowhere and I escape when everyone else is sick? I hate being sick and feeling crappy and all kinds of icky. Anyhow, I have thoughts on things that include, but are not limited to: impostor syndrome, exercise (I’m working on it), lab progress, and books. Unfortunately, right now, I feel like my brains have been replaced with scrambled eggs.

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10 Responses to Gah! Sick!

  1. sickness sucks. hope you feel better soon.

  2. Amelie says:

    get better soon!

  3. Psycgirl says:

    I’m feeling sick today too πŸ™
    I hope you feel better soon!

  4. πŸ™

    Hope it passes quickly

  5. Feel better soon! Sometimes germs really do seem to behave randomly when it comes to picking a host. My sister escaped a campuswide norovirus attack last year — and her bedroom was the one all her roommates had to go through to get to the bathroom while they were down with it …

  6. ScienceGirl says:

    So sorry you are sick. Hope your sickness runs its course quickly! (I had fever for a week and 2 weeks later I am still coughing πŸ™

  7. Albatross says:

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  8. Yuck, I hope you are feeling better! Everyone here has the plague, so I came home last night and slept 11 hours straight. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  9. Thanks! I’m feeling mostly better. I’m definitely going back into the lab tomorrow… I’m going stir-crazy here!

  10. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. I was out all last week sick.

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