Flattery is lovely

I turned on my computer this morning to find this list bandied about on my google reader. Curiousity (and a desire to read more blogs) had me clicking over to see who was on the list. Imagine my surprise when I saw my blog on that list! I was delighted to see several blogging giants on the list (and confused by one) and cannot fathom how I fit among them. I’m honored to apart of anything with this creed:

Women have long played an important role in scientific developments and discourse, however, this role has historically received relatively less recognition and coverage as compared to their male counterparts. Over the last few years, however, blogging has opened up a way for leading women in science to bring to light the important improvements women have made, the struggles they still encounter, and the strategies they set up for their work to be recognized.

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13 Responses to Flattery is lovely

  1. it is lovely to be included isn’t it? I was really impressed with the number of graduate student blogs they had.

  2. chall says:

    I thought it was very good choices all along! 🙂 Found a lot of the ones I read already….

  3. Albatross says:

    Yay!! Congrats and keep up the good work =)

  4. Brigindo says:

    WooHoo! Look at you! Very impressive and very much deserved.

  5. Jenn, PhD says:

    Very much deserved… I love your blog!

  6. Congrats! I saw that list earlier and noticed you on it. 🙂

  7. Scientist Mother: Yep. I was really impressed, too. It’s unusual with these sorts of lists, I think?

    Chall: Thanks! Me too.

    Silver Fox, Albatross, Brigindo, Jenn, and The Science Girl: Thanks!

    I hope that everyone was able to find some new blogs to read (and procrastinate with)!

  8. @ndrew. says:

    Hey there-

    Enjoy your blog. Thanks for writing!

    I’m also writing about the trials and triumphs of Ph.D life–over on my blog at phdetails.wordpress.com. I just added your blog as link on mine.

    I’d love it if you stopped by!

    Best regards-
    Andrew Stuhl

  9. Never thought I’d be checking out a phlebotomy post, hehe!

  10. congratulations and thanks for pointing me to it!

  11. Congratulations on being included in that esteemed list! Now I can find all my favourite PhD-related blogs in 2 places — the Women in Science list, and Sciencewomen’s Blogroll.


  12. @ndrew: Thanks a bunch! I’ll check it out.

    UR: Me either! I wonder what that’s about.

    Wayfarer Scientista: Thanks!

    Silly Conservationist: Excellent 🙂

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