RBO Craziness

Things have been a bit crazy around here. Hence no posting. I took a few days off last week to go on an unbloggable adventure. Let’s just suffice to say that it’s great when you win. Then, earlier this week I had a talk with Advisor about graduating. He foresees it happening in the future and that’s good news. Prior to this I was beginning to doubt that. The only semi-bad part is that he does not foresee that happening for another 1.5-2 years. Then again, I sort of figured that would be the case. That talk served as a wonderful motivator. As now I have a list of experiments that need to be done for my thesis. A list of all the experiments (as long as everything goes according to plan– ha! as if I would be so lucky) that all seem do-able. I may leave here after all!

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11 Responses to RBO Craziness

  1. chall says:

    well, that sort of sounds good though!? The list is always good to have, wheather or not you will follow it… another story.

    I hope you have a good weekend and that you will continue to feel fine!

  2. Jennie says:

    It’s always nice to touch basis with one’s adviser about this sort of thing. I’m so happy yours can see 2 years in the future. My adviser did not foresee me graduating until I said, um, I have a shit load of data and need to write this up and graduate. He agreed (but did not give a time line) and it took about a year to write it up. But it could have taken longer if I didn’t say, “I’m moving to the west coast and need to defend before I move . . . or I might just give up on all of this.”

    now that I think about it it was an empty threat but it worked!

  3. I remember when I was doing my MS that at one point in time, I really doubted that I would ever graduate. The 3-month-long experiments, coupled with the “sort of” full-time job with my Advisor didn’t help at all. And I cried a lot toward the end of my MS (because I couldn’t see the finishing line).

    What I can say is that meeting up with one’s Advisor as frequently as one could definitely helps, especially when one needs some motivation and assurance (that one will graduate).

  4. Silver Fox says:

    Glad you had a ‘winning’ adventure! And a list of experiments is a nice thing, especially if it makes sense and is agreeable to you.

  5. Albatross says:

    Glad you got to have a fun adventure!

    Way to go on the talk too. It is nice to know that everyone is on the same page about and sees an end to your work!

  6. Amelie says:

    Good to hear that your talk to the boss went ok. I still have to do mine…

  7. The talk sounds positive. A defined list tends to be a good thing, in my opinion. And yeah for adventure!

  8. Nicky says:

    Everybody I know starts to see the finish line when it’s about 2 years out. Sounds like you have an excellent plan!

  9. ScienceGirl says:

    I wish I had a list and a timeline… Happy to hear you do!

  10. Hi, Amanda — there’s an award waiting for you at my place. I’ve enjoyed reading πŸ™‚

  11. Assurances to graduate are always good. I like having a list because it makes it easier to visualize the finish line. Plus, I have something I can point to if Advisor wants to add more things. I’ll see if I can post pictures from my “adventure” soon-ish πŸ™‚

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