
I’m still here and alive and worked for 33 hours last Thurs/Fri. The top two things on my agenda right now are (1) Salvage Protein Experiment and (2) Make Progress on Yeast Experiment. I’ve been working on those two things. I’m fairly certain I’ll fail on 1 and have to start over (que sera) and I’m succeeding on 2 (thus far). If I’m 50% successful (obviously, with different things) all the time, then I’m fairly certain that I’ll eventually graduate.

Anyhow, the point of this post really is alleviate the posting pressure* and to give me something to do during 5 minute incubations.

*I have this cycle where I’ll not post for a while and then when I think about posting something, I won’t think that it’s good enough to post after a long silence. So, I won’t post it and I’ll wait for inspiration to strike. That doesn’t happen and the non-posting time gets longer. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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4 Responses to Surfacing

  1. Albatross says:

    I have similar problems with posting pressures. Looking forward to what’s coming next! And hope you are taking some time away for the holiday!!

  2. Silver Fox says:

    Interesting about the posting pressure. I try to get a bunch of posts ready on my days off, for the long stretches of days I work, but haven’t been that successful recently.

    Glad you have time to surface, at least!

  3. ScienceGirl says:

    The "no posting for awhile => must have a significant enough post" cycle is one of the reasons I started doing Anecdote Mondays. It is not a personal post, but still makes me feel like there is something on my blog that was posted within a week.

    It is hardest to push on when all the projects are stalled, so I am glad to hear at least one of your projects is moving along!

  4. Amelie says:

    Good to hear that at least one of your projects is progressing. Being stuck is so hard.

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