Random Things

Disgruntled Julie tagged me a while ago with the “6 random things about me” meme. I’m in the midst of a 3.5 hour centrifugation, so I figured I might as well do follow up on her tag. So, here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry has posted.

1. I’m scared of birds. Not in a run-for-your-life sort of way, but in a please-don’t-feed-the-pigeons-around-me sort of way. It’s their beady eyes and sharp little beaks that freak me out. I’m convinced, that given half a chance, they’d peck my eyes out. A few years ago I went an aviary with friends of mine and I wore my glasses, just in case.

2. Speaking of glasses I have horrible eyesight in one eye. Seriously. It’s worse than anyone else I know (hence why the glasses are good protection). However, my other eye isn’t too bad. Every time I go to the eye doctor, s/he asks me if I had serious trauma to that eye. After I explain that the under-eye circles come from grad school (not a beating), they either (a) say “What are you doing to yourself?” or (b) “Well, something must have happened to make your vision that bad in only one eye.”

3. I like reading really bad romance novels. I don’t know what it is, but I like nothing more than unwinding with a hot bath, romance novel, and glass of wine at the end of the day. It seems that the romance novel is an intregal part of the equation. I’ve tried it without the book, with a more literary novel, and with a non-fiction book. None of them measured up to the romance novel. To keep the casual visitor to my home from discovering my bad taste, the romance novels all live on my bookshelf in the bedroom (yes, Dr. Man has his own).

4. I bite my nails. There I said it. I try not to do it, but somehow I always end up with my nails chewed off. Before SIL-1’s wedding I grew my nails out to the end of my fingertips. That’s the longest they’ve been in over 3 years. It’s a horrible and disgusting habit and I’ll break it, someday.

5. I don’t enjoy being scared. I know that makes me somewhat of a party pooper, but I just don’t like it. Therefore, I do not like haunted houses or any of that torture porn that passes for scary movies. Yes, I’m a scaredy-cat. That still won’t change my mind. Yes, I know that it’s make believe. I just don’t like the feeling. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go and enjoy it. I’ll be at home with my romance novel.

6. I didn’t wear any make up until college. To this day I only wear it on special occasions. This is one parts laziness and two parts fear of looking like a fool. See, I passed that stage where you can experiment with make up/look like a fool and no one cares. I think that most people expect better of me now. They’d be wrong. So, after I put it on I deliberate for a long time over whether or not I look like either (a) a clown or (b) a prostitute. I have plenty of other things to feel insecure about, so I don’t deal with that on a daily basis.

I tag:
Scientist Mother
Science Girl
Anyone else who wants to do this!

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17 Responses to Random Things

  1. chall says:

    Fun reading. I am like you with the romance novels although I have moved from the bad books to Lifetime movie network 😉 Something to do with not having a bathtub or so for a long time? But a glass of wine and a foot bath works wonders too….

    and regarding the birds. I left that “phobia” (not really but I really really don’t like them) out of my list. It seems extra sad since I think “bacteria and salmonella” every time I see those small little birds pecking away. huuu…

  2. I am sooooo with you on the makeup. I had a friend do it for me for my wedding and she at least taught me to use powder foundation, but really, why bother?

  3. Brigindo says:

    Angel has perfect vision in one eye and horrible vision in the other but he is far-sighted. When he was little the doctor wanted him to wear a patch whenever he needed to do something that required near vision – like reading and homework. Yeah try getting a 9 year old boy who’s dsylexic to begin with to wear a patch over his one good eye while reading.

    I’m totally with you on the make-up. I can’t wear it. Don’t know how and hate the way it feels on my face.

  4. Amanda says:

    Chall: I think my lack of lifetime movie network watching has to do with Dr. Man and Xbox. When Dr. Man is home, he is constantly playing the Xbox and we only have one TV. It’s probably for the best, though. And I think the same thing about birds. I forgot to add that part.

    Cath: Exactly, why bother? I had someone else do my makeup for my wedding, too. I definitely didn’t need anything else to think about.

    Brigindo: I don’t know if I was supposed to wear a patch. I’m near-sighted, though, so it might’ve been dangerous if I wore a patch over my better eye. But, yeah, getting a 9 year old to do that… good luck!

  5. This was a great list. I also bite my nails and have for 20 years. The only time I don’t is when I have acrylic fingernails. And I’m not sure I can have acrylics and work in the lab effectively.

  6. ScienceGirl says:

    I wear foundation and mascara daily, but I did have someone else do my makeup for my wedding so there was no way I could mess it up 🙂

  7. Jenn says:

    I’m right there with you on the makeup too… some great friends in grad school took me to a makeup counter pre-wedding and taught me a few tricks, but I still only wear makeup *maybe* 5 times a year?

  8. chall says:

    hm, I use makeup everyday – if we count covering black circles under eyes and adding some mascara?

    More than that? not really, unless I am giving a talk or need to talk to someone important…. I like makeup – to a certain point. But I also like walking in the rain so no makeup is usually better 😉

    I have done the make up for my friends getting married, and my own … but it is fun when a “real” artist can give me a new type of make up… then again, since I have freckles and like them, I don’t like foundation and usually everyone dabbs on a lot of that.

  9. I would also rather sleep than put on make up – though now that I am older I am finding it worth getting up for….Heres my random post

  10. Aunt Becky says:

    I love this meme. Always so interesting what people come up with.

  11. physicienne says:

    hey! great meme, and interesting notes, thanks for sharing! i have to agree on the makeup – i have some skills, but when i look at the makeup section in stores i am simultaneously hit by the cost and a huge lack of drive. i, too, am the type to much prefer extra sleep.

    per the esteemed meme rules, here’s my post.

  12. Nicky says:

    Wow, so awesome to read that I’m not the only one who avoids make-up because I skipped that middle school phase where I was supposed to learn how to do it. Most days, I limit myself to lip balm, barely a step up from chapstick. On really bad days, I cover up the circles under my eyes, but I end up feeling like a clown….

  13. Amanda says:

    SGG: I got acrylic nails for my friend’s wedding once and that was the only time that I didn’t bite my nails. Considering that I can’t keep my natural nails long in the lab (even if one miraculously avoids being bitten, it gets ripped removing rotors and the like), i don’t think that acrylics would work.

    Science Girl: I’ve thought about starting to wear mascara more. It doesn’t take much effort and it does make my eyes look fairly nice (if I do say so myself).

    Jenn: I went to sephora and learned how to highlight! I’m very (ridiculously) proud of that.

    Chall: I’ve always like freckles (unfortunately, I don’t have many) and it’s always annoyed me when people want to cover it up. Is it easier or harder to put makeup on other people? I would think it’d be slightly easier to tell if you’ve over done it, but harder in the technical application.

    Scientist Mother: Sleep is very, very good. I agree.

    Aunt Becky: I always have a hard time coming up with things for this meme. While I’m only vaguely pseudononymous, I try not to give out too many overt details.

    Physicienne: Oh yeah! The cost! It surprises me that a tube of lipstick can cost up to $25!

    Nicky: I’m glad I’m not alone. I thought I must’ve been the only one who skipped that phase! I hope that everything is going well with you and LL (and your husband)!

  14. Amelie says:

    I mostly skipped the experimental make-up stage — and then there is a picture of me, from my confirmation, with way too red lipstick. Don’t know if nobody tried to talk me out of it or if I just didn’t listen… Last month, after using virtually none for years, I decided to get some concealer, to cover those lovely dark circles under my eyes, and some powder to fix it all. For the wedding I might still be better off with a professional…

  15. When I was in grade school, mom said, “no makeup until you turn 16.” I said, “OK.”

    When I hit junior high, mom said, “No real makeup until you turn 16.” I said, “OK.”

    A year later, she said, “You know there are some kinds of makeup I might be willing to let you wear.” I said, “OK.”

    When I turned 17, she said, “You were old enough to be allowed to wear makeup last year.” I said, “OK.”

    I think a friend conned me into letting her try makeup on me once. That’s about it. Mom seems disappointed. But even if I wanted to (and seriously–money + cut in sleeping time = not interested) I’d have no idea how. And learning seems hard and pointless. So…OK.

  16. Celia Foster says:

    That’s cool, Amanda. We’re alike in so many ways.

    1. I’m scared of birds, too. It’s all Jurassic Park’s fault.

    2. I never wear any makeup. It’s icky and face and I’m allergic to it. And, seriously, I want people around me to love me for who I am.

    3. I used to bite my nails until I was about 6. That was just before we met each other. I stopped because I didn’t like the taste of them.

    4. I’m playing the game now, too. Follow my blog if you want to read my 6 random things. I can’t tag people after me because not too many people follow my blog.

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