Lecture Update

I’ve been horrible about updating. And it’s for the usual reasons– I’m very, very busy. In the past two weeks I have: presented to the department for journal club, given the lecture to Advisor’s class, and held a committee meeting. They all went reasonably well– at least so I’ve been told. And now I’m sick with a lovely drippy nose, stuffy head, and sore throat. And for some reason I’m still plugging away in the lab. Sigh.

First, I wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions on my lecture. It went pretty well. Advisor thought that the troubleshooting section I went through was a great idea and a good way to present the information! (Thanks, everyone!) The thing that surprised me the most was how much time it took to prepare the lecture. I was doing it on a technique I use frequently and it took hours. I think I spent more time preparing for this one lecture than I’ve spent studying any one lecture in my entire life. I really didn’t want to screw anything up and say something blatantly wrong, thus placing the wrong idea into a student’s head and scarring them for life. So, I might have over prepared.

I also found myself having to think on my feet a bit, when having to explain something more to a student (There were a few times when someone asked me to go back over a slide. I’d try to come up with another way to describe the slide because I figured it didn’t make any sense to just repeat what I said if they didn’t get it the first time or I’d try to expand upon whatever part they didn’t understand.). However, I found that I liked doing that. It felt like I wasn’t just talking at them and I liked the part when they’d suddenly understand (or at least they’d fake it well enough). It also helped me realize things that I didn’t explain very well.

This little venture also led me into Test Question Writing Land. That I don’t know if I did all that too terribly well on. Advisor said that it’s a fair, but open question (as in it’s not a Define This Term or Multiple Choice type of question, it’s a Describe Method X type question). I think it might’ve been too open as the answers vary wildly in content and quality. I’m taking that into account with the grading. I think grading may be best done with a beer in hand, though.

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4 Responses to Lecture Update

  1. Sounds like quite the couple of weeks for you. Glad it all went well.

    As far as the test question goes, I took an entire class in undergrad that was those type of questions…and it was the best class I took. It certainly forced me to know things better than a multiple choice question, but I’m sure the tests were hell to grade. I’m trying to say that it was probably a good question, just not maybe what the students were expecting.

  2. sounds like it went well. Congratulations! Troubleshooting is always appreciated, as that is where most people get stuck.

  3. ScienceGirl says:

    Congrats on leading a successful lecture! And I hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Amanda says:

    SGG: That’s what advisor said! He said that the answers got better as the course went on. (I’m not teaching the class anymore this semester.) I tried to get around the tough to grade thing by answering my own question and divvying up the points based on the importance of each part. It was still a beast, though.

    Scientist Mother and SG: Thanks! 🙂

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