Overdoing it

Things are moving along quite nicely as far as the house is concerned. We were able to get the sellers to pay for half of the roof and we got a quote from a reputable roofer for less than we thought. Now that things are starting to look more real that we’re going to buy a house (!), I’ve started to get more serious on this bike commuting thing.

I’ve been riding my bike to and from work (lab) for the past few days without much problem. The commute, though, from my apartment to the lab is only about 2.5 miles. The distance from the house to the lab is about 5 miles. So, yesterday, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to go on a test drive (bike?) for the entire 5 mile distance. I did my normal morning commute into the lab. I got done early, so I decided to bike downtown to the library (I’m craving new books to read and can’t afford to buy any more). The trip from the lab to the library is about 2.5 miles. This makes it about 5 miles from the library back to the apartment (the lab is in the middle). So, I thought, hey great idea! And it was a great idea… until I got home. I took the Dixie Dog out, made dinner, and then sat down to eat and read aforementioned books. I decided that I deserved some wine for burning all those calories and I found that I could not move my legs. I looked at my legs and said, “Legs move.” Not even a twitch. This time I decided to reward them, “Legs, get me some wine and I will give you a bath… and some chocolate.” Apparently they were not only rebellious, but they were also treasonous as they refused to move– what part of my body would refuse to move for chocolate?!?

Eventually, with some sighing and pleading, I was able to retrieve the wine and chocolate and some ibuprofen. Today I’m tired and bit sore and have decided to not bike into work tomorrow. (Although, again in my infinite wisdom, I did today.)

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6 Responses to Overdoing it

  1. EcoGeoFemme says:

    Hmm, maybe you need to stretch after?

    EGM used to bike to work (10mi each way) and he really had to build up the stamina to be able to do it every day.

  2. Oh yeah, I second the stretching suggestion! Maybe if you build up a bit from your normal distance that will take a little of the shock out of your system. I’m just getting back into the gym after a four month absence, and I’m just dying. I know that the endorphins / chocolate are worth it, though!

  3. If you do it repeatedly, it will get better. In the meantime though, I bet you’ll have to pop a lot of Advil. :o)

  4. Jennie says:

    Good for you, biking 5 miles. That’s great! Keep up the good work! Also, maybe reward you legs with a bath before they complain next time 🙂

  5. Whitney says:

    biking to lab = awesomeness.

    that stretch where you hold one foot behind you until you think you’re gonna fall on your face, that one’s good.

    hi, by the way. i randomly found your blog and decided it was cool reading (2nd-year cell/molecular grad student here).

  6. Amanda says:

    EGF and UR: Thanks for the stretching advice… it’s definitely helped. Especially since I decided to do the same route this past Wednesday!

    Candid Engineer: I should buy stock for the duration!

    Jennie: I think it was the promise of a bath that got my legs moving… so you’re completely right!

    Whitney: Thanks for commenting! Nice to meet you 🙂

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