Money Matters

I paid taxes today. I actually ended up having to pay taxes. I’ve spent the past several years supporting Dr. Man in his medical school endeavor. However, he started residency in July and started making money. So this means that not only have we broken the poverty line, but also we’ve started paying taxes. (I do want to make it clear here that I’ve filed taxes, but just haven’t had to pay anything.)

I told Dr. Man that I was glad that we are finally paying taxes and he made a noise that sounded a cross between him choking, laughing, and making a frustrated grunt. I’m still glad that we’re paying taxes. We can afford it and I feel strongly that tax money can be used for good things (along with juniorprof) like healthcare for the poor, improvements in public education, etc. So, I’m willing to contribute to my ideal. Hell, I’d even settle for body armor in Iraq.

Still, I think that perhaps taxes are a bit more complicated than absolutely necessary. I spent a large amount of time trying to figure out the cost basis for some mutual funds that Dr. Man’s parents sold recently (and that he subsequently used on funding his and mine Roth IRAs). The crowning glory of tonight was trying to get Turbo Tax to realize that I (while the person preparing the taxes) did not actually live in Residency State and made no money in Residency State. But the wages from the W-2 that were from Residency State corresponded with Dr. Man. Eventually I gave up and tried to figure it out myself. Just figuring out the filing status took me a while. Then, the income that we both earned (i.e. dividends, mutual funds, etc.) versus the amount that Residency State would like to tax. I now understand why Friend With Poor Math Skills always asks me to do her taxes (ratios, percentages, addition, subtraction, etc.).

In other news, I got the pre-approval letter in the mail today for our Mortgage (and yes it deserves a capital letter). The bad news is that although I am the one that spent hours on the phone with the mortgage banker, guess who’s name is listed as primary contact, etc. on the mortgage? That’s right, Dr. Man. Granted he does (now) make more money than I do. However, it’s my email address, my phone number, but his name. So, now when I call up the Mortgage Company I get referred to as Mrs. Dr. Man and I’m questioned as to whether or not I can make decisions on the loan. Or the best one I got was today when the nice man on the other end of the phone told me that he’d just discuss it with my husband. I promptly asked to speak to his supervisor and proceeded to tell Mortgage Company Supervisor exactly what I thought of Jerk On Phone. I now get referred to as Ms. Amanda and am dealt with directly.

I know that Devil-Amanda occasionally makes an appearance and she appeared today when I was speaking to one of my more spendthrift colleagues (who never understands why I don’t want to go out to lunch/dinner/spend money on X). I told him that Dr. Man and I are buying a house (we’ve been saving for this for a long time and have been scrimping for years). He just stared at me with his mouth open and asked me “how?” I replied with “Remember all the time you made fun of me for not going out?” And I left him with his mouth open.

Ok, this is a long post. Maybe this is why I don’t drink and post. However, after doing all the taxes (which were less organized than I would like) and dealing with the mortgage people, I think I deserve a glass or two of wine– at least that’s my justification.

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13 Responses to Money Matters

  1. ScienceGirl says:

    You deserve more than a glass or two of wine – this is quite a task! I too have to deal with multiple states this year, and I am still not quite there (Sigh).

    Way to handle the Jerk on Phone! And CONGRATULATIONS on Mortgage approval!

  2. Academic says:

    Mrs. Dr. Man? Woah. That’s so wrong on so many levels. Although I also remember addressing letters to various church goers where the mail merge printed things like Mrs. John Smith.

  3. EcoGeoFemme says:

    ugh. can you get the name on the Mortgage changed? Congratulations on getting it,though!

  4. Jennie says:

    Good for you on both the taxes and the jerk. The blogsphere has talked about names on so many levels and when at times it’s just a name other times it makes a big difference in terms of respect, as in your case now. You are just Mr. someone, how could you ever make a decision on your own! So it sounded to me like they did change the name on the mortgage. Is that true? or do they just call you Ms. Amanda now?
    I’ve heard that paying is better than receiving because it means you got to use/collected interest on your money during the year before giving it to big government. Where when you get money back it means the gov. had your money all year.
    And good for you on saving and sticking it to coworker.

  5. Psycgirl says:

    Mrs. Dr. Man? Disgusting. I’m so excited for you that you’re going to get a house. And I would have loved to see the look on your colleague’s face when you reminded him of never being able to go out. I wish I could say the same thing when I decline invitations here because I’m trying to save money

  6. EarlyToBed says:

    I like Devil-Amanda. Keep her happy and outspoken!

  7. Ugh, I HATE how women automatically become stupid and incompetent when they have a husband, and he has to be the one to deal with everything.
    Once we are married, I’ll be the one in charge of all the finances because that’s just how it will be (I track every penny I spend in Microsoft Money; he has never balanced his checkbook once in his life), and I know it will turn into “We need to speak with your doctor husband…”.

    We are still arguing over whether or not I am going to change my last name, but stories like this make me even LESS inclined to change it than I already was (and I had no desire originally) because at least if I maintain my maiden name, they cannot automatically assume that he is my HUSBAND and that they have to deal with him first…

  8. CAE says:

    My taxes this year include 2 different employer slips. One in my maiden name, and one in my married name. I have not yet changed my name in the social insurance* system because I need to have my permanent resident card in my new name first. I don’t have the card yet because I had to wait to get my provincial healthcare card in my new name before I could apply. That took forever because I changed employer right after getting married.

    After a long time on the website and phone trying to figure out what to do, I just filed both slips and attached a photocopy of my marriage certificate. I hope it all works out OK!

    Congratulations on the mortgage! Do you feel like a real grown-up yet? It’s almost 2 years in for us and I think it’s starting to sink in…

    *the Canadian equivalent of the social security number is the Social Insurance Number (SIN). When the number associated with my temporary work permit expired and had to be replaced by a permanent number linked to my residency status, I went in to the office and explained that “my SIN has expired”. The attendant replied, “Praise the Lord!” I love beaurocrats with a sense of humour.

  9. Amanda says:

    Science Girl: Well, I definitely had two glasses of wine… I’m a light weight!

    Academic: Yeah. Mrs. Dr. Man. Apparently I changed my first name, too. I’m glad that they told me this /end sarcasm.

    EcoGeoFemme: Yep, it’s changed.

    Jennie: Yeah, receiving is like giving an interest free loan to the government and I’m not that much of a tax-paying advocate.

    PG: Trust me, the look on his face was great. It warmed the very cockles of my evil little heart.

    Early To Bed: As I get more and more frustrated working on Important Project I’m sure Devil-Amanda will be making more appearances 🙂

    EtBr: I’m the one who does our finances, too. I’m somewhat neurotic about tracking where all the money goes. Knowing all the stuff I know now about the name changing business, I’d think twice about doing it. I’d probably make the same decision, though. Because instead of the must talk to Husband, I got the must talk to Partner thing. But that may just be endemic to this part of the country?

    CAE: Ok, you win! That sounds like a huge pain. I still don’t feel like a grown up yet. It just doesn’t seem real yet. But I’m sure it’ll seem much more real once I write the big check for the down payment.

  10. Mad Hatter says:

    Good for Devil-Amanda! Just think, you not only stood up for yourself, but you may well have also saved other women from being treated the same way by that guy in the future. And congrats on finishing the tax returns and getting that mortgage!

  11. Awesome! Congratulations! And unleash Devil-Amanda, she sounds cool 🙂

  12. DancingFish says:

    Congrats on the Mortgage! And on getting taking care of that jerk!

  13. congratulations on the Mortgage! And the house buying! And yay for setting jerks straight.

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