
Dr. Man and I put an offer on a house in our favorite neighborhood… and it was accepted! Now, we’re in the process of home inspections, pest inspections, final mortgage approval, etc. We got the house for a very reasonable price (below market value… even in this market). It has a yard and everything! The only sticking point is that the house needs a new roof. I think we’re going to see if the sellers will help us pay for it. If not, we’ll have to go from there. (We may still take it because it is a good deal and HGTV says that it’s a very worthwhile improvement.)

Anyhow, for your viewing pleasure… House!

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13 Responses to House!

  1. CAE says:

    Oh, congratulations! The next few weeks will be a whirlwind, but it’s so worth it when you stand in your own home for the first time. I even made my husband camp out with me on the floor of our place on the day we took possession, even though there wasn’t a single piece of furniture in it!

    You will need to replace the roof eventually anyway (ours is coming). Good luck negotiating some help, but if not, it’s just bringing an inevitable cost forward.


  2. post-doc says:

    Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!

    Just FYI, my insurance co paid for my roof (it was 12 years old) because there was wind damage. So it might be worth checking on that – I still don’t really understand why it worked out that way here, but $500 is better than $5000.

  3. EcoGeoFemme says:

    Congratulations! It’s a really nice house!

  4. Lovely house! Congrats. All of the trees will reduce your cooling utilities. :o)

  5. Jennie says:

    That is great news!! I love the greenery. Is this one biking distance to work/school?

  6. CAE says:

    tag! (only if you have time!)

  7. Brigindo says:

    Very exciting news. Congrats!

  8. Academic says:

    That’s awesome! Congratulations! I hope to be joining the homeowner ranks soon.

  9. DancingFish says:

    Congrats! It looks very nice- love the trees!

  10. ScienceGirl says:

    Congrats – this is very exciting!

    I am starting to think that roof replacement is something most homeowners have to deal with. Our roof had some hail damage 2 owners ago, but the owners just collected the insurance money and didn’t replace the roof. The previous owner agreed to split the cost of the new roof with us, but we still haven’t gotten around to it… I am not sure how one determines when the new roof is really necessary, as ours seems to be doing just fine.

  11. Mad Hatter says:

    Congratulations! About the roof…don’t do what we did. We were told when we bought our house that the roof needed to be replaced, but we just kept putting it off. Until one day we had a major thunderstorm, and water started leaking in our kitchen and dripping all over our brand new kitchen cabinets!

  12. Congratulations! Good luck for the roof replacement funding.

  13. Amanda says:

    Thanks everyone for your nice comments!

    We’ll definitely be replacing the roof right after closing as it looks like there may already be a leak in the roof. And we got a quote that comes in about $1,000 less than we thought it would be (this is from a reputable roofer).

    This house is within biking distance it’s about 5 miles from work/school. So, I think that’s a do-able distance. I’m only doing half of that now, so I’m working on getting into better shape.

    Needless to say, I’m very excited!

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