Sick days

This email from Advisor made my day :

“Stay away. We’ve had enough contamination problems.”

This is the first time that I’ve ever been accused of contaminating E. coli.

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4 Responses to Sick days

  1. Haha, nice.

    Last year when I was death-bed sick, I emailed my PI with the implication that I would not be coming into lab until feeling better. The reply I received was “Sorry to hear you are ill. I’ll pick up some extra masks from surgery so you can wear one when you do your cell culture this afternoon and not give all the cells mycoplasma.”

    I think I prefer your PI to mine.

  2. EcoGeoFemme says:

    I hope you feel better soon. 🙂

  3. Academic says:

    That’s quite the email. 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Hehehe! Well, I guess take any nugget of sympathy from Advisor that you can, eh?

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