
The other day I was talking to my friend, J, and we were discussing the infant epidemic that is surrounding us. It seems that sometime in the past year a group of people (each in our respective programs) went and had babies. We talked about the pros (awww cute baby to look at) and cons (possible career problems). We, also, have differing views with respect to having our own (as of yet) hypothetical children. I am somewhat scared of babies. I think I lack that instinct (or whatever) as to how to hold one, calm one, or otherwise deal with one (as an aside, I can change diapers. In fact, I’m really confident as to how to do that. So, whenever I’m with my friend K. I, actually, ask to change JJ’s diaper. So, as a note to people who know me: please, please ask me to change your kid’s diaper… just don’t ask me to hold them!). She, however, has a different view (as evidenced by the below conversation):

After a lull in the conversation:
Every so often, I hear this really loud ticking noise, J said abruptly. Just like I do right now.

Not hearing anything, I ask, Really? Are you sure you hear something?. I’m getting concerned for her hearing (and sanity)

Yep, she said, And then I just realize, ‘Shit! It’s my biological clock again!’

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6 Responses to Tick-tock

  1. post-doc says:

    I’m scared of babies too! But I have become much more comfortable having experienced my nieces. Practice with holding them helped me considerably.

    And it’s actually much more fun than changing diapers, I think. πŸ™‚

  2. EcoGeoFemme says:

    I felt I had no maternal instinct for a very long time. Only just recently have I started to want babies. To the point that if I were to accidentally get pregnant, I wouldn’t be too upset (not that I’m trying!). I still don’t like kids who aren’t related to me, nor do I want to hold other people’s babies. But one of my own is starting to sound interesting.

    There was a post on femalecsgradstudent where she describes this as feeling that “her ovaries were twitching.” I thought that was pretty funny.

  3. ScienceGirl says:

    I guess I am not alone πŸ™‚ Scary (and irreversible!) as having babies is, the ticking is there. Just a couple of years ago I wasn’t sure I would ever have kids, certainly not in this lifetime. I guess finding the right partner turned the maternal instinct on – go figure.

  4. I’m not scared of babies. (They, like dogs, love me far more than I love them.) But I am afraid of the whole birthing process: the various fluids and rippings and expansions….UGH. πŸ˜‰

  5. Amanda says:

    I’m glad that I’m not the only one scared of babies πŸ™‚ Or being somewhat, shall we say, intimidated by the birthing process!

  6. my clock can’t make up it’s mind. Sometimes I think “no way” and other times I think “that might not be so bad” but it is a moot point since I have no partner.

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