So far, so good

Today is my first day back in the lab. It’s shocking that I’m back so late, but between Dr. Man’s schedule at the hospital and the obligatory once-a-year visit to the families it has been two weeks. I spent last night reviewing what I needed to get done today and considering improving the design of Important Project. This meant that when I got in today, I got straight to work.

See, usually, my morning goes something like this:
Roll into the lab mid-morning. Make coffee. Check plates. Sit down at desk. Drink coffee. Check email and blogs. One hour later start lab work for the day.

Today my morning went like this:
Roll into lab early-ish this morning. Drop bag on chair. Boot up computer to look at to-do list. Start lab work within 10 mins of arrival. Work for a few hours. Check email.

I’m hoping that I can stick to this schedule (and, ergo, my New Year’s Goals). Especially because I need preliminary data on Important Project for Major European Conference by mid-March. This, being a fairly large carrot, is good motivation. However, this is a marathon, not a sprint. And I seem to have a problem pacing with regards to my work habits.

“I think I can, I think I can.”

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3 Responses to So far, so good

  1. EcoGeoFemme says:

    Good for you!

    IMO, the trick to not burning out is to not work really long on days when you get your act together early. No more than 8-10 hours if you’ve cranked it all day.

  2. DancingFish says:

    I also seem to get stuck in my office for an hour before getting going.
    If I need a signature or to print out a paper or anything, I save that task for the morning rather than doing it in the afternoon just to keep myself from sitting down and getting stuck in my office routine.

  3. Good idea!

    Sorry I seem to have been missing of late…I’ve switched computers and crossed my lines and lost things a lot of late.

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