The productivity café (I can’t find the link offhand) suggested that people should do a New Year’s theme as opposed to resolutions. I’m going to have to disagree there– at least when it comes to me. I need something that’s measurable. When I was a kid, nothing made me happier than seeing the line of gold stars on the calendar. I have this crazy perversion when it comes to lists. I’ll write a to-do list, accomplish something that is not on the list, add it to the list. I do this just so I can cross it off the list. Hence, I don’t think a theme will do so well for me.

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One Response to

  1. Susan says:

    Hey Amanda – It’s me from – the Barista Susan Sabo. You are themey – you know. Simply by using the words Scientist & Lady to name your blog you send a message of your theme. You might be surprised at how well they work for you. The theme gives you direction. Then you can break it down to your lists. Other will make a map (maybe a mindmap, and it’s on on a great journey.

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