Girls Night

Last night I went over to N’s house for Girls Night ™. There is a group of us that get together once every few weeks for dinner and talking. We all started grad school the same year and got to know each other during our first year course. Since then we’ve been friends and make an effort to get each other out of the lab and into the company of others (not mice or bacteria) once in a while. Last night was one of those nights.

I’ve been hibernating a bit. It’s been a busy year so far. I’m trying to produce data (so I can go to the Conference In Ireland next summer), take care of the Dixie Dog (this includes getting her– and me– much needed exercise), keep my apartment clean (this is to make Dr. Man feel better when he comes to visit and to keep from annoying my roommate), and see/talk to Dr. Man (it’s hard to line up our daily schedules to find an hour or so to talk… but that’s another post). After trying to meet these needs/obligations, I’m just plain worn out and do not feel up to being around people (I’ve been told that I need more time by myself than the average person). However, last night reminded me that it’s good to make the effort.

It’s really great to have a group of people who know exactly what you’re going through. When can encourage each other when things are rough (Quals!), complain (I swear, tomorrow I’m going to tell him that the project sucks!), and just discuss life (wedding pictures!). Last night was no different and no less fun!

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2 Responses to Girls Night

  1. Brigindo says:

    Having a group who understands you and what you’re going through because they’re going through it themselves is amazing. It’s not something I’ve experienced too often but the times I’ve had it have been the best (even though they are often the most challenging of times).

  2. Very lucky you, Amanda. I wish I could find this one person – guy or gal – who understands in where I am. Sigh. But instead, I find many of them online. 🙂

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