My cousin is at university now. My university. It’s definitely a little strange that someone I remember being born is now old enough to go to college. As someone who has been at Public U. for approximate 65 million years (it was just me and the dinosaurs– no bureaucrats and it was bliss), I decided to show her around. I took her to the various buildings her classes would be in and answered her questions about what to bring to class, where to buy textbooks, and where to buy beer (Answers: pen and paper and no books, or Independent Cheap Bookstore, and no where, you’re underage young lady). Then, we passed by a group of Young Political Party registering people to vote. I am a procrastinator and I have yet to change my voter’s registration address. So, I seized the opportunity to change my address. Cousin decided to change her address as well. As we were leaving she asked me who I liked for the election. I told her Obama. She said that she did, too, but that she was an idiot and registered Republican and that meant she had to vote for McCain.
That seems odd. Do people registered with a specific party really have to vote for a candidate of that party? If that were the case, couldn’t they count most of the votes right now (given that most people registered this year to participate in the primaries)?
You’re right. It doesn’t make any sense. In the general election you can vote for whoever you want. Cousin’s HomeState has closed primaries and she was confused. The funny thing is that she just finished taking American Government in high school and I just found out that she’s majoring in Political Science!
I guess that’s good you can educate her on the matter 🙂
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A friend of a friend was taking economics and accounting at university, much to my amazement as she was terminally thick. Going into the 1997 UK general election, she had never heard of the leader of Britain’s third party, and thought that the Labour party (Blair and Brown’s lot, who eventually won that election) wanted to pay every single person in the country the same wage. Unbelievable. She somehow managed to get a first class honours degree – my friend said she was just really, really good at memorising facts. Terrifying.
OH Blast!! That’s one less vote for us and one more vote for them. Will she be able to change that in the future? I hope so.
I think the kicker is that he is majoring in PoliSci. That had me rolling. I guess we ALL have a lot to learn.
Cathy@VWXYNot?: Ok that truly is terrifying. As even I know who/what the Labor party is all about.
Deb: Yeah, I had to keep it all inside, too. I told Dr. Man and laughed so hard I cried.
Wow….just wow.
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