Follow up to the Crazy

I received a very nice note from the neighbors. They thanked me for my apology and gently chastised me for the dog getting out. They explained that the cat in question was not her cat, but she was afraid for her cat since it was old and an outdoor cat. Then, they welcomed Dr. Man and I to the neighborhood and wished us well.

So, I think that went about as well as possible. We’re going to dip into our emergency fund and get the privacy fence in place as soon as we can. I’m glad that it went civilly and they seem to have calmed down.

Dr. Man still votes with putting Dixie Dog poo on their yard, though. I’ve vetoed that idea.

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13 Responses to Follow up to the Crazy

  1. Deb says:

    Party pooper (hahaha) GET IT??? POOP??
    Sheesh I am a 41 year old woman – that’s not funny. What the heck is wrong with me?

  2. Kim says:

    Glad the neighbors were not too upset! NCLM

  3. I’m glad things got worked out with the neighbors. I can’t imagine having to live next to someone that held a grudge against me for a simple misunderstanding.

  4. Propter Doc says:

    Glad the neighbours offered you an appology for behaving like hysterical nut-job crazies with no sense of proportion. What is it with people? Dogs get out, Cats are allowed out without any complaints (and just wait until their cat craps allover your yard…).

    I’d go with the poo idea.

  5. Aunt Becky says:


    The stuff you do to keep peace in the neighborhood.

  6. post-doc says:

    Your neighbors sound like morons. I kind of hate them. But a privacy fence sounds like a fabulous idea – hopefully that keeps them out and the pup in!

  7. Didn’t read this post before posting on the last. Glad this has worked out… sounds like things with your neighbors will be fine. They are just semi-lunatic over-reactors.

  8. Just out of curiosity, the privacy fence will be benefiting them as well. Why is your responsibility to put it up all by your lonesome? Up here in Canada, we normally split the cost 50/50. Currently, our neighbor would like to replace crappy fence with new woodfence, as we have very tall thick cedar hedges I was happy with a new chainlink, but he doesn’t want our cedars coming through, so we’re getting the more expensive woodfence, but we’re STILL paying for half.

  9. Amanda says:

    Deb: Yep, Dr. man said the same thing to me 🙂

    Kim: Me too!

    Susans Musings: I think everything will be fine.

    Propter Doc: Yep, their cat can run free, but there’ll be hell to pay if anything happens to it. And the cat is all but guaranteed to crap in our yard as it’s mostly dirt (for now).

    Aunt Becky: Le sigh, indeed.

    post-doc: Me too. We want to keep them out. But I doubt they’ll see it that way.

    Candid Engineer: I’m hoping they’ll be calmer in other respects (or they’ll recognize their over-reactiveness). In other words, I’m hoping for the unrealistic.

    Scientist Mother: We don’t share a boundary with those neighbors (they’re across the street). And by the by, our dog never went onto their property (which just adds to my outrage!). The neighbor on the left of us do not want a fence and won’t help with the payment. And the neighbor behind us wants to keep the chain link. So, we’re on our own for this one. 🙁

  10. I’m glad to hear things seem to have calmed down a bit with the neighbors.

    I also think a privacy fence is best, not for keeping the god in but keeping the wack jobs out!

  11. Nit says:

    Hola from NCLM 🙂

    I am with Dr. Man on this one 🙂

    To threaten to “kill the dog”…that’s going a little far. I agree though that a new fence is in order…to avoid the drama if nothing else!

    Take care 🙂

  12. Nit says:

    Hola from NCLM 🙂

    I am with Dr. Man on this one 🙂

    To threaten to “kill the dog”…that’s going a little far. I agree though that a new fence is in order…to avoid the drama if nothing else!

    Take care 🙂

  13. Pepper says:

    Well, if those neighbors ever act out again, then I recommend going with Dr. Man’s idea. Just for the fun of it. 🙂

    Visiting from NCLM

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